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Article: Make Homemade Blackberry Liqueur

Make Homemade Blackberry Liqueur

Make Homemade Blackberry Liqueur

Now I love apple and blackberry crumble as much as the next person, but this autumn, why not give your blackberries a break from the usual crumble and try something a little different?

Blackberries are bursting with flavour and are perfect for making a rich and fruity, smooth liqueur. Instead of baking them into a dessert, this recipe turns those juicy berries into a deliciously tangy blackberry beverage.

It’s simple to make, uses just a few ingredients, and is a fun way to savour the essence of autumn.

Perfect for adding a seasonal twist to cocktails and prosecco, as well as making a wonderful homemade gift that everyone is sure to thank you for!


  • 600g blackberries, fresh or frozen
  • 750ml bottle good-quality red wine
  • 500g sugar
  • large glass vodka or gin

blackberry liqueur Recipe

1. Start by gently washing your blackberries and removing any stalks or leaves left behind from picking. Top Tip - be sure to wash under a gently flow of water so you don't lose half your blackberries down the sink as they can be very fragile when washing.

2. Once they're ready, pop your blackberries into a large ceramic or glass bowl. Pour a good quality wine over the berries, then grab a potato masher and gently crush the fruit into the wine.

3. Cover the bowl with a tea towel and let it sit in a cool spot for 2 days, returning to give it another mash every now and then.

4. After 2 days, pour the mixture through a fine sieve to strain it. For extra smoothness, I like to strain it again using a sieve lined with muslin to catch any leftover bits. This can take a little longer to strain, but is well worth the effort for a much smoother liqueur at the end.

5. Now, pour the juice into a pan and add the sugar. Warm it gently, stirring until the sugar dissolves, then let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Once it's cooled down, stir in your vodka.

Alternatively it works really well with gin if you would prefer.

6. Using a small jug and funnel if you have one, pour the mixture into bottles, seal them up, and add a label.

handmade gifts & how to use it

Your blackberry liqueur is good to go straight away so enjoy! My personal favourite is adding a splash to a glass of prosecco which trust me, is a complete game changer!

If you haven't drunk it all yourself, this also makes a wonderful handmade gift which anyone who receives a bottle is sure to be very grateful for! Personalise it with your own label and package it up ready to send. An ideal homemade birthday gift or Christmas gift made with love.

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. However this post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links.


If you'd like to see what crafting i've been up to, then take a look at my full range of handmade earrings or follow me on instagramfacebookpinterest & tiktok which ever you prefer, to see more of my creative processes.

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